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Walleye Flop - May
St Cloud Boike Tournament - June
Princeton Prowl - August
In The Sticks - September
Flovember Mullets and Mustaches - November
Dinomights 3v3 Winter Classic - February
Moose Classic - March
Peepin' It Real Easter Cup - April - Easter Weekend
Tournament Rules
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USA Hockey Rules
Blue Line Icing
No Timeouts
No Slap Shots
Three minute warm-up
The clock starts when Zamboni doors close. Be ready.
Stop time will be used during the last two minutes of the third period if the game is within 3 goals.
There will be no scorekeepers The team trailing is required to stop/start the clock during the final two minutes.
The home team is required to stop/start the clock if the game is tied.
Player must go to penalty box
time will start at the drop of the puck.
Time will run during the stoppage of play.
Four penalty rule.
Any player receiving four penalties in one game will be removed for the remainder of the game.
Games may end in tie except in Sunday's championship, consolation, and friendship games
If Sunday game is tied at end of regulation time, we will proceed directly into a 3 round shootout with the home team shooting first
If Sunday game is still tied after that, a sudden death shootout will occur
No player can shoot twice until all players in attendace have gone
Any player in the penalty box at the end of regulation time will not be eligible for the shootout
Rules for Power Play and Penalty Shot cards are on back of cards and subject to change from the below
Powerplay cards
1 per team per game is allowed
They can be purchased during the game if an organizer is available
Playing the card allows the team that played the card to pick any player on the opposing team to serve a 2 minute minor
Standard run time rules apply
The only way to counter a powerplay card is if the other team plays theirs in response. That will then force a two minute 4 on 4.
Penalty Shot Cards
1 per team per game is allowed
They can be purchased during the game if an organizer is available
Playing the card allows the team that played the card to pick any player on their team to be awarded a penalty shot, including the goalie
Standard run time rules apply the clock does not stop for the penalty shot
A penalty shot card can not be played immediatley after a powerplay card but, as soon as the subsequent stoppage and the clock will continue to run
These rules are subject to change and should be reviewed prior to any tournament